Design Anthology – Call for Project Submission

Lets show your work to the world !

Aoyama Design Forum (ADF) is looking for information on projects for “Design Anthology”, which have been completed recently or are to be completed soon from the designers and owners. 

“Design Anthology is Asia’s only luxury design magazine published in Hong Kong. Our editorial concentrates on high-quality, informed, timeless designs – not trends or fads – and is aimed at a sophisticated, well-travelled and discerning audience. Each issue features quality writing by an international team about the built environment – from macro to micro – with subjects ranging from urban planning and architecture to interior design, furniture, art and a travel section aimed at the creative class. 

Each of our features has a focus on Asia – either projects in the region, or designed by Asia-based designers working internationally. Published quarterly, Design Anthology is a celebration of the burgeoning creative scene in Asia.”

Entry Requirments  
[1] Entry in English
[2] The entry project shall be within the Asian region or international design projects by designers based in Asia.

Project Target 

Architecture, product design, hotel, condominium, residential, restaurant, and bar.
*Entries can be projects which have already published in other magazines.

How to Entry

[1] Please download the format from below. 
[2] Please fill project information in English and send us a PDF file to with the subject “Applying for Design Anthology”.

About Publication
If your work is selected to be published, Design Anthology will contact you. 

NPO Aoyama Design Forum:
