Interior design draftsman


ATOM design limited,is a group of young and ambitions designers based in Bangkok.Our services range from;a small scale product design,architecture design,interior design and construction supervision.Our compact yet efficient design teams are now open for hiring hands-on designers who can work in a team-work environment.

-Professional degree in Interior design draftsman.

-Team-working mind set is a must,we work like the Avengers not Batman.

-Fundamental understanding local interior design-construction process and able to deliver designs to real building.

-Ability of critical thinking,research and problem solving.

-Strong Autocad, SKP , Experience in Revit is an asset.

You are invited to join our exciting kick-ass team.

Please send your attractive portfolio with short and sharp brief resume to :

Due to the large number of applications,only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

บุคคลที่ติดต่อได้: Parinda Khonumchaiporn
เบอร์ติดต่อ: 081-568-9505

To apply for this job email your details to